Video of Bejtlich at Cyber Crime Conference 2014

On Tuesday the 29th of April I delivered a keynote at the US Cyber Crime Conference in Leesburg, VA. The video is online although getting to it is more complicated than clicking on a link to YouTube. Here's what I did to access the video. First, visit this link for a "SabreCity" account. Fill in your "information" and click Register. You will then see a rude message saying "Registration for this conference is now closed." That's no problem. From the same browser now visit this link to go to the SabreCity "lobby." Click the "On Demand" button on the right side of the screen. Now you can access all of the videos from the conference. Mine is called "State of the Hack: 2014 M-Trends - Beyond the Breach." Click the green arrow to the left of the title to start the video. You may be interested in several of the other interesting speakers listed as well. Thank you to Jim Christy and his team for organizin...