The Limits of Tool- and Tactics-Centric Thinking

Earlier today I read a post by Dave Aitel to his mailing list titled Drinking the Cool-aid . Because it includes a chart you should review, I included a screenshot of it in this blog, below. Basically Dave lists several gross categories of defensive digital security technology and tools, then lists what he perceives as deficiencies and benefits of each. Embedded in these pluses and minuses are several tactical elements as well. Please take a look at the original or my screenshot. I had three reactions to this post. First, I recognized that it's written by someone who is not responsible for defending any network of scale or significance. Network defense is more than tools and tactics. It's more often about people and processes. My initial response is unsatisfying and simplistic, however, even though I agree broadly with his critiques of anti-virus, firewalls, WAFs, and some traditional security technology. Second, staying within the realm of tools and tactics, Dave i...