Bejtlich Teaching at Black Hat West Coast Trainings

I'm pleased to announce that I will be teaching at Black Hat West Coast Trainings 9-10 December 2013 in Seattle, Washington. This is a brand new class, only offered thus far in Las Vegas in July 2013. I posted Feedback from Network Security Monitoring 101 Classes last month as a sample of the student feedback I received. Several students asked for a more complete class outline. So, in addition to the outline posted currently by Black Hat, I present the following that shows what sort of material I cover in my new class. Please note that discounted registration ends 11:59 pm EDT October 24th. You can register here . I have only one session available in Seattle and fewer seats than in Las Vegas, so please plan accordingly. Thank you. OVERVIEW Is your network safe from intruders? Do you know how to find out? Do you know what to do when you learn the truth? If you are a beginner, and need answers to these questions, Network Security Monitoring...