Practice of Network Security Monitoring Table of Contents

Since many of you have asked, I wanted to provide an updated Table of Contents for my upcoming book, The Practice of Network Security Monitoring . The TOC has only solidified in the last day or so. I delayed responding until I completed all of the text, which I did this weekend. You can preorder the book through No Starch . Please consider using the discount code NSM101 to save 30%. I'm still on track to publish by July 22, 2013, in time to teach two sessions of my new course, Network Security Monitoring 101 , in Las Vegas. I'll be using the new book's themes for inspiration but will likely have to rebuild all the labs. I expect the book to approach the 350 page mark, exceeding my initial estimates for 256 pages and 7 chapters. Here's the latest Table of Contents. Part I, “Getting Started,” introduces NSM and how to think about sensor placement. Chapter 1, “NSM Rationale,” explains why NSM matters, to help you gain the support needed to deploy NSM in your envi...