Why Business Methods Are as Important as IP to China

Courtesy of China Defense Blog , I just read a fascinating (if you like aircraft) report on China's capability to natively produce jet engines produced by China SignPost titled Jet Engine Development in China: Indigenous high-performance turbofans are a final step toward fully independent fighter production (pdf). It's common to see open source reports describing how the APT seeks intellectual property (IP), which many people read as plans, designs, and related mechanical and scientific information. What some miss, however, is that China needs business know-how as well as technical know-how in order to achieve its economic and security goals. The report includes examples of this: What China must achieve, however, is a methodology akin to Six Sigma or Total Quality Management (TQM) to ensure quality control and sufficient organizational honesty to ensure that actual problems are reported and that figures are not doctored. Otherwise, standardization and integration may be the...