Trying Ubuntu 10.10 in AWS Free Usage Tier

After trying 60 Free Minutes with Ubuntu 10.10 in Amazon EC2 yesterday, I decided to take the next step and try the AWS Free Usage Tier . This blog post by Jay Andrew Allen titled Getting Started (for Free!) with Amazon Elastic Cloud Computing (EC2) helped me. One important caveat applies: this activity will not be completely free. The AMI chose uses a 15 GB filesystem, and the terms of the free usage stipulate no more than a 10 GB filesystem. I'll pay $0.50 per month for the privilege of using a prebuilt Ubuntu AMI. Since I'm an AMI n00b, I decided to pay the $0.50. At some point when I am comfortable creating or trusting 10 GB AMIs, maybe I'll switch. First I visited and signed up for Amazon EC2. At Amazon Web Services Sign In, I chose to "Identity Verification by Telephone." When I completed sign up I received three emails: 1) Amazon Virtual Private Cloud Sign-Up Confirmation; 2) Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud Sign-Up Confirm...