The Centrality of Red Teaming

First, I believe the modern enterprise is too complex for any individual or group to thoroughly understand how it can be compromised. There are so many links in the chain that even knowing they exist, let alone how they connect, can be impossible.
To flip that on its end, in a complementary way, the modern enterprise is too complex for any individual or group to thoroughly understand how its defenses can fail. The fact that vendors exist to reduce firewall rule sets down to something intelligible by mere mortals is a testament to the apocalyptic fail exhibited by digital defenses.
Furthermore, it is highly likely that hardly anyone cares about attack models until they have been demonstrated. We seen this repeatedly with respect to software vulnerabilities. It can be difficult for someone to take a flaw seriously until a proof of concept is shown to exploit a victim. L0pht's motto "Making the theoretical practical since 1992" is a perfect summarization of this phenomenon.
So why mention Red Teams? They are central to digital defense because Red Teams transform theoretical intrusion scenarios into reality in a controlled and responsible manner. It is much more realistic to use your incident detection and response teams to know what adversaries are actually doing. However, if you want to be more proactive, you should deploy your Red Team to find and connect those links in the chain that result in a digital disaster.
Richard Bejtlich is teaching new classes in Las Vegas in 2009. Regular Las Vegas registration ends 1 July.