Review of The Definitive Guide to MySQL, 3rd Ed Posted just posted my three star review of The Definitive Guide to MySQL, 3rd Ed. From the review:

I read and reviewed MySQL Press' MySQL Tutorial by Luke Welling and Laura Thomson two years ago. I thought Tutorial was a great, concise (267 pages including index) MySQL overview. I hoped The Definitive Guide to MySQL 5, 3rd Ed (DG, 748 pages) would extend my understanding of MySQL beyond the coverage in the Tutorial. Unfortunately, I found the Tutorial did a better job addressing important information than the DG. While there is some good information in the DG, I recommend staying with books published by MySQL Press.

I currently have 205 reviews at Eight of those are non-tech books. That means after my next two reviews, the third will be my 200th.


Anonymous said…
Have you read "the doorstop"?

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