Teaching Possibilities in Australia

I've been invited to speak at the AusCERT Asia Pacific Information Technology Security Conference in Gold Coast, Australia. The conference takes place Sunday 20 May - Friday 25 May 2007.

I haven't decided if I will accept yet. I'd like to know if any TaoSecurity Blog readers in Australia, New Zealand, or nearby areas would be interested in attending a two (or maybe more) day class either directly before or after my presentation date (which is unknown right now).

I would need a location to host the training, in exchange for which I would provide two free seats for the hosting organization.

Is anyone interested in attending and/or hosting such a class? Please email training [at] taosecurity.com. I have to accept or decline the AusCERT invitation next week.

I am open to suggestions regarding the location of the class (if the Gold Coast is too remote) and the content of the class (Network Security Operations, TCP/IP Weapons School, etc.). Sydney is a possibility since I will fly through SYD on my way to and from BNE. Thank you.


Anonymous said…
I'm a New Zealand based security consultant and am planning to attend AusCERT, hopefully with a few of the other guys from my team. I'd be very interested in a two day workshop on "something interesting". I'll poll the team and see what would be of most interest. Aside from your TWS and NSO training I would expect that digital forensics would also be of great interest.
Anonymous said…
I would be "keen as mustard" as we like to say over here.
I have been steadly compiling all the tools from T of NSM for solaris
I was actually thinking about the logistics of getting you to visit Australia
maybe I could comvince some people to pay for you to come over to the left coast (Western Australia)
whilst you are here

cheers from Perth

Anonymous said…

Can I recommend that you offer the selected class on the Gold Coast as a Tutorial at AusCERT2007?
Anonymous said…
Hi Richard,

I am from Singapore and will be interested in your training. TWS and NSO are top of my list. I second anonymous' suggestion on digital forensics. Just wondering how much time you can spare for training. That should be a consideration for you and interested people. Thanks

Kind Regards,
Anonymous said…

Don't hesitate to accept the speaking engagement! The Gold Coast is absolutely beautiful and will be a great time! I should know, I grew up there ;)
Anonymous said…
I am a NZ based security specialist working for one of the largest managed security provider here and i will be keen to attend your workshop/workshop too if you do decide to come this way. :)

Let us know when you have made up your mind and i will talk to management to try to get approval for myself and colleagues.

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